1106) ENQUEUE PACKET NUMBER INTO TX FIFO - This is the normal method of transmitting a packet just loaded into RAM. The packet number to be enqueued is taken from the PACKET NUMBER REGISTER.
1117) RESET TX FIFOs - This command will reset both TX FIFOs: the TX FIFO holding the packet
numbers awaiting transmission and the TX Completion FIFO. This command provides a mechanism for canceling packet transmissions, and reordering or bypassing the transmit queue. The RESET TX FIFOs command should only be used when the transmitter is disabled. Unlike the RESET MMU command, the RESET TX FIFOs does not release any memory.
NOTE 1: Only command 1) uses N2,N1,N0.
NOTE 2: When using the RESET TX FIFOS command, the CPU is responsible for releasing the memory associated with outstanding packets, or
NOTE 3: MMU commands releasing memory (commands 4 and 5) should only be issued if the corresponding packet number has memory allocated to it.
A second allocate command (command 1) should not be issued until the present one has completed. Completion is determined by reading the FAILED bit of the allocation result register or through the allocation interrupt.
A second release command (commands 4, 5) should not be issued if the previous one is still being processed. The BUSY bit indicates that a release command is in progress. After issuing
command 5, the contents of the PNR should not be changed until BUSY goes low. After issuing command 4, command 3 should not be issued until BUSY goes low.
BUSY BIT - Readable at bit 0 of the MMU command register address. When set indicates that MMU is still processing a release command. When clear, MMU has already completed last release command. BUSY and FAILED bits are set upon the trailing edge of command.