IES-1000 User’s Guide

Chapter 22

Commands Introduction

This section introduces the command line interface and lists the available commands.

22.1Command Line Interface Overview

In addition to the web configurator, you can use commands to configure the IES-1000. It is recommended that you use the web configurator for everyday management of the IES-1000 and that you use commands for advanced switch diagnosis and troubleshooting. If you have problems with your IES-1000, customer support may request that you issue some of these commands to assist them in troubleshooting.

Telnet to the switch or connect a computer to the console port and use terminal emulation software configured to the following parameters:

VT100 terminal emulation

9600 bps

No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit

No flow control

22.2Command Structure

The system uses a two-level command structure. The commands related to one subsystem are grouped under a primary command of that subsystem, for instance, to configure the Ethernet parameters, you must first enter the Ethernet subsystem by entering the ethernet command. When you are in a subsystem, the system reminds you by including the subsystem name in the command prompt, for example, ethernet>

To get back to the top level prompt from a subsystem, use the home command.

22.3Command Syntax Conventions

The command keywords are in courier new font.

1.The command keywords must be entered exactly as shown, that is, no abbreviations are allowed.

2.The required fields in a command are enclosed in angle brackets (<>), for instance, list port <port #>

means that you must specify the port number for this command.

3.The optional fields in a command are enclosed in square brackets ([]), for instance, config [save]

means that the save field is optional.

4.A “” means “or”

Commands Introduction
