IES-1000 User’s Guide



Figure 19-5 VLAN Status

The following table describes this screen.



Table 19-5 VLAN Status









This is the VLAN index number.






This is the VLAN ID number configured in the Edit Static VLAN page.





Egress Port

Ports that have been added to this VLAN are listed here in numerical order.





Untagged Port

Untagged ports that have been added to this VLAN are listed here in numerical order.





Elapsed Time

This field shows how long it has been since a normal VLAN was registered or a static



VLAN was set up.



This field shows how this VLAN was added to the switch; dynamically using GVRP or



statically, that is, added as a permanent entry.





Poll Interval(s)

The text box displays how often (in seconds) this screen refreshes. You may change the



refresh interval by typing a new number in the text box and then clicking Set Interval.


Set Interval

You may change the refresh interval by typing a new number in the text box and then



clicking Set Interval.



Click Stop to halt system statistic polling.





Previous Page

Click Previous Page to show the preceding screen of VLAN status information (if there is



more than one screen of VLAN statistics).


Next Page

Click Next Page to show the subsequent screen of VLAN status information (if there is



more than one screen of VLAN statistics).

