IES-1000 User’s Guide

24.3.15List Profiles Command

Syntax: adsl> list profiles

The list profiles command displays all of the ADSL ports and that profile is assigned to each one.

An example is shown next. This display shows that there are two profiles (DEFVAL and debug) and that port 4 belongs to the debug profile while ports 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 belong to the DEFVAL profile. adsl> list profiles Profile 1 : DEFVAL

Profile 2 : debug

Port 1, Profile : DEFVAL

Port 2, Profile : DEFVAL

Port 3, Profile : DEFVAL

Port 4, Profile : debug

Port 5, Profile : DEFVAL

Port 6, Profile : DEFVAL

Port 7, Profile : DEFVAL

Port 8, Profile : DEFVAL

Figure 24-5 List Profiles Command Example

24.3.16Show Profile Command

Syntax: adsl> show profile <name>


<name> = A profile name.

The show profile command displays the settings of an ADSL profile.

An example is shown next. This display shows that the maximum downstream transmission rate is set to 8000 kbps and the maximum upstream transmission rate is set to 800 kbps. The ConfProfileRowStatus displays active; this means that the profile is available for use. It does not mean that the profile has been applied to any of the ports. Please refer to the set port command for information on assigning profiles to ports or the list profiles command for information on displaying the names of all of the profiles and which profile is assigned to each port.

ADSL Commands
