IES-1000 User’s Guide

Chapter 30

IEEE 802.1X Commands

This chapter describes how to use the dot1x commands.

30.1IEEE 802.1X Overview

The IES-1000 supports IEEE 802.1X port-based authentication (refer to the web configurator part for background information).

30.2IEEE 802.1X Commands

Use these commands to configure the IEEE 802.1X feature.

30.2.1Enable Command

Syntax: dot1x> enable

This command turns on the IEEE 802.1X security feature.

30.2.2Disable Command

Syntax: dot1x> disable

This command turns off the IEEE 802.1X security feature.

30.2.3Status Command

Syntax: dot1x> status

This command displays the current status of the IEEE 802.1X security feature.

30.2.4Debug Command

Syntax: dot1x> debug [level]

IEEE 802.1X Commands
