IES-1000 User’s Guide

Chapter 35

Configuration Backup/Restore

This chapter describes the process for backing up your user settings (configuration) from the network module onto your computer and how to restore them to the network module.

The network modules use FTP for configuration backup/restore through their built-in FTP servers. You can use any FTP client (for example, ftp.exe in Windows) to backup/restore the network module’s configuration.

35.1Configuration Files of the Network Module

The network module uses configuration files to store the user’s settings, so they can be applied the next time the network module is booted. The network module has the following configuration file:


= The system configuration file for the network module.

35.2Configuration Backup

You can backup all or some configuration files from the network module to your computer. Backup the system configuration by following the example shown next.

Connect to the network module with your favorite FTP client. The command for the network module is generally

C:\> ftp <network module IP address>

at the computer command prompt.

Enter the User name (just press [ENTER]).

User: <ENTER>

Enter the management password (1234 by default).

Password: 1234

230 Logged in

Get the configuration files from the network module

ftp> get init

Quit FTP.

ftp> quit

35.3Configuration Restore

You can restore configuration files from your computer to the network module. Restore the system configuration by following the example shown next.

Configuration Backup/Restore
