IES-1000 User’s Guide

Chapter 31

IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN Commands

This chapter generally describes the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN and associated CI Commands.

31.1IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN Introduction

The IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN allows your network module to deliver tagged/untagged frames to and from its ports. The standard gives the network module the ability to recognize VLAN-aware and VLAN-unaware devices and automatically strips tags from frames destined for ports that would normally drop tagged frames. See the web configurator chapter on VLAN for more background information.

31.2Configuring the Tagged VLAN

In a typical setup, each DSL port is assigned a different VLAN ID (VID) to isolate the subscribers, while the uplink port should be a member of every subscriber VID and the management VID. The port-based VLAN is always active; it is NOT mutually exclusive of the tag-based VLAN. The system performs tagged-VLAN processing first and then port-based VLAN in tandem.

The deletion of the default management VLAN and the enabling of the VLAN MUST be the last steps in the configuration procedure, because once you change the settings, you will not be able to connect to the network module with your computer, which is without tagged VLAN capability. You can configure the VLAN associated with the DSL ports before the uplink ports, or you can do this over the network after the network module is put into service.

See the examples with the following procedure.


Step 1. Use the IEEE 802.1Q tagged VLAN commands to configure tag-based VLAN for the subscribers.

Use the svlan setentry command to configure a VLAN ID for each subscriber.

For a typical setup, use “fixed” for the administration control for the DSL port (numbered 2-9) and the uplink port (number 1).

Select “untag” for the tag control for the DSL port and “tag” for the uplink port.

Ignore any messages telling you to use the vlan enable command in order to enable GVRP. Use the vlan enable command when you are finished configuring the VLAN (see the last step).

Use the pvid command to set the VLAN ID you created for a port to that specific port in the PVID table.

Repeat these steps for the rest of the DSL ports.

IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN Commands
