Fender PD250 Plus manual Mono Mic / line control functions Stereo control functions

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Mono Mic / line control functions


Stereo control functions







































A. level – Adjusts the volume level of the individual channel with respect to the master volume level. Rotating the knob clockwise increases the volume of the respective channel, while rotating it counterclockwise decreases the volume. Adjust this control after the Passport’s master volume level has been set.

B. Low – Adjusts the relative level of the low frequency content. Rotating the knob counterclockwise decreases the bass or low frequency response. Likewise, rotating the knob clockwise increases the bass or low frequency response.

C. HiGH – Adjusts the relative level of the high frequency content. Rotating the knob counterclockwise decreases the treble or high frequency response. Likewise, rotating the knob clockwise increases the treble or high frequency response.

When the EQ controls are set at their 12 o'clock notched position, the channel frequency response is “flat” with no frequencies increased or decreased.

D. Rev/Aux – Adjusts the amount of signal sent to the Reverb processor, and to the Rev/Aux send jack. Reverb can be used to enhance the sound quality of any performance where appropriate and desired. In the full left position there is no signal sent to the reverb processor or Rev/Aux send jack. Care should be taken to set the Master Reverb control to a middle position or above, before adjusting levels from the individual channels. When the Rev/Aux mix is set, overall levels of reverb can be adjusted at the master control.

Keep in mind that while Reverb or effects can enhance a musical performance or presentation, too much reverb can make the same performance or presentation unintelligible or “muffled”. Keep your audience in mind when setting reverb levels.

E. PAN – Use the pan control to adjust the amount of signal sent to each speaker (left and right). Adjusting this control allows you to adjust the position of the sound source within the horizontal plane, left or right of center stage. Set to the center dot for equal amounts to the left and right speakers.

A. level – Adjusts the volume level of the individual channel with respect to the master volume level. Rotating the knob clockwise increases the volume of the respective channel, while rotating it counterclockwise decreases the volume. Adjust this control after the Passport’s master volume level has been set.

B. Low – Adjusts the relative level of the low frequency content. Rotating the knob counterclockwise decreases the bass or low frequency response. Likewise, rotating the knob clockwise increases the bass or low frequency response.

C. HiGH – Adjusts the relative level of the high frequency content. Rotating the knob counterclockwise decreases the treble or high frequency response. Likewise, rotating the knob clockwise increases the treble or high frequency response.

When the EQ controls are set at their 12 o'clock notched position, the channel frequency response is “flat” with no frequencies increased or decreased.

D. Rev/Aux – Adjusts the amount of signal sent to the Reverb processor, and to the Rev/Aux send jack. Reverb can be used to enhance the sound quality of any performance where appropriate and desired. In the full left position there is no signal sent to the reverb processor or Rev/Aux send jack. Care should be taken to set the Master Reverb control to a middle position or above, before adjusting levels from the individual channels. When the Rev/Aux mix is set, overall levels of reverb can be adjusted at the master control.

Keep in mind that while Reverb or effects can enhance a musical performance or presentation, too much reverb can make the same performance or presentation unintelligible or “muffled”. Keep your audience in mind when setting reverb levels.

E. BAL – Use the balance control to adjust the amount of signal sent to each speaker (left and right). Adjusting this control allows you to adjust the position of the sound source within the horizontal plane, left or right of center stage. Set to the center dot for equal amounts to the left and right speakers.

Image 9
Contents Page Important Safety Instructions Instrucciones de Seguridad Importantes Importanti Istruzioni per la Sicurezza Instruções Importantes de Segurança INtroduction Fender Passport PD250 PlusTransportation latches Safety precautionsCD Player Button functions CD Player control functionsMono Mic / line control functions Stereo control functions Mic / line inputs Master control functionsMic input jack Plug Line input jack PlugStereo inputs Aux and footswitch jacksSend / Return jacks Left and Right SendRear panel Rear storage compartmentPlug Powered equipment is to be attached to the system Powering UPSet-up System Volume and Levels Set-up and connectionsPower Tower SpecificationsAccessories Watios de puro sonido stereo INtroducCionPrecauciones DE Seguridad Cierres DE TransportePeligro Controles Entrada CD Player Botones CD PlayerEject Este botón le permite expulsar el CD del reproductor Page Controles master Entradas Mic / lineConector DE Entradas Stereo Conectores Aux Y footswitchConectores Send / Return Entrada Stereo RCA Compartimento DE Almacenamiento Panel TraseroTierra. Nunca Modifique Este Enchufe Interruptor DE EncendidoConfiguracion Y Conexiones Ajuste DE Niveles Y Volumenes DEL SistemaPuesta EN Marcha Especificaciones Tecnicas Sistema DE Micro Manual Inalambrico Passport AccesoriosSystème de sonorisation portable de haute qualité Consignes DE Sécurité Verrous DE TransportNe jamais déconnecter ou modifier la broche de terre Touches du lecteur de cd Réglages du lecteur de cdRéglages DEs ENTRÉEs Stéréo Entrée micro/ligne Réglages générauxEntrées Stéréo Connecteurs Aux et footswitchConnecteurs SEND/RETURN Entrée Stéréo RCAFace arrière Compartiment de rangement à larrièreMise à la terre. Ne modifiez jamais lembase secteur Réglages et connexions Mise sous tensionRéglage des niveaux du système Caractéristiques techniques ACCESSOiRES INtroduZIONE Ganci DI Chiusura PER IL Trasporto Precauzioni PER LA SicurezzaFunzioni di controllO CD Player Funzione dei tasti CD PlayerEject Questo tasto permette di espellere il CD dal lettore Page Funzioni di controllO master Ingressi Mic / lineIngresso Mic Ingressi Stereo Connessioni Aux E footswitchConnessioni Send / Return Ingresso StereoVano Posteriore Pannello PosterioreConfigurazione E Connessioni Impostazione DEL Volume E DEI Livelli DI SistemaAttivazione Configurazione E Collegamenti Unità Power TowerSpecificHE Sistema Wireless Passport Executive AccessoriWatt klarer Stereosound EinleitungTransportVERRIEGELUNG SicherheitsvorkehrungenCD PLAYER-TASTENFUNKTIONEN CD PLAYER-REGLERFUNKTIONENMono Mic / line-REGLERFUNKTIONEN Stereo-REGLERFUNKTIONEN Mic / line-EINGÄNGE Master-REGLERFUNKTIONENMic input-BUCHSE Line input-BUCHSEStereo-EINGÄNGE Aux- Und footswitch-BUCHSENSend / RETURN-BUCHSEN Left UND Right SendRückseite RÜCKSEITIGES AblagefachVerändern Sie den AC-Stecker Einschalten Einrichtung UND AnschlüsseBetriebene Geräte mit dem System verbunden sind Dann die angeschlossenen Geräte ausschaltenTechnische Daten Einrichtung Und AnschlüsseDetails im Katalog ZubehörIntrodução Luxuoso Sistema Portátil de SomPrecauções DE Segurança Presilhas Para TransporteAtenção Funções DOS Botões do CD Player Funções DOS Controles do CD PlayerFunções DE Controle do Estéreo Funções DOS Controles Mestres Entradas MIC / LineEntradas Estéreo Plugues AUX E FootswitchPlugues Send / Return Entrada Estéreo RCASaídas DE ALTO-FALANTES Painel TraseiroTorre de amplificação Interruptor DE EnergiaLigando Configuração E ConexõesTorre DE Amplificação EspecificaçõesDistorção Potência de SaídaAcessórios イントロダクション デラックス・ポータブル・サウンド・システム移動用ラッチ 安全のための留意点CD プレイヤー・ボタン機能 CDプレイヤー・コントロール機能モノラル・マイク/ライン・コントロール機能 ステレオ・コントロール機能 マイク/ライン・インプット マスター・コントロール機能ステレオ・インプット Aux 及びフットスイッチ端子センド/リターン端子 リア・ストレージ・コンパートメント リアパネル電源の投入 セットアップと配線チャンネル1-2-3-4 XLR及び1/4 Power Tower 185 mm 7.3 615 mm 24.2Mic 11 dBu Line 20 dBu Stereo 26 dBu Passportシステム 840 mm 33.7 615 mm 24.2アクセサリー