ATM and VLAN Management Tools
using the Topology icon. The Transcend Topology Browser can be used to perform all the network management tasks that are performed using the ATM and VLAN Management Maps and their assistants. The rest of the application tools are used for displaying graphs and statistics and to locate parameters and other information on your network.
The Topology, Locator, Bandwidth, Report, and Fast Setup tools are accessible via a web browser. You can access the ATM and VLAN Management Tools from any station with a web browser, independent of the network management platform.
To access the ATM and VLAN management tools:
Open a web browser.
Enter the URL:
The ATMvLAN The ATM and VLAN Manager Application Toolbar consists of the Toolbar following tools:
■Fast Setup
To invoke an option in the ATMvLAN Application Toolbar, click on one of the icons.