An Introduction to ATM and VLAN Management Basics
the configuration is such, the network manager should ensure that IP connectivity to the device is not affected by VLAN moves.
The Default VLAN When an ATM edge device is initialized, a single VLAN called the default VLAN is created automatically and all ports of the device are assigned to it.
In the SuperStack II Switch 2700 module, the Admin VLAN is also used as the Default VLAN when the SuperStack II Switch 2700 is first initialized. All ports are initially assigned to the Admin VLAN to ensure that they have connectivity to the network. The Network Administrator can then move the ports to another VLAN. At least one port must remain in the Admin VLAN if the device is to be reached for management purposes.
VLANs can be created on
The CoreBuilder 2500/6000 uses
Tag-based VLANs
Virtual LAN Trunk VLANs can be defined in a single switch unit or can span several Switch units. When a VLAN spans two switch units, they are connected using backbone ports. The tagging method, described below, makes it possible for a single backbone port to carry the traffic for all VLANs defined in a switch. In that case, the backbone port is referred to as a Virtual LAN