At this stage, the “LANE Monitor” tracks LES/BUS failure and activates redundancy if there is a failure of primary LES.
Bridge 0’s LES/BUS is on CoreBuilder 7000 A and its backup is on
CoreBuilder 7000 B.
Bridge 1's LES/BUS is on CoreBuilder 7000 B and its backup on CoreBuilder 7000 A. Both switches have LECS databases and each LECS database has the admin ELAN pointing to switch A LES/BUS ELAN_ID.
Following this procedure, check all the above steps once again. Try to achieve an intuitive understanding of the network.
If you
You will first notice that the LECs for bridge 1 on both the edge devices are in a fatal state. They are then are recovered using the backup LES/BUS on the switch A.
This example effectively demonstrates both LES/BUS and LECS recovery.
LECS Recovery
While selecting the LECS, the primary LECS was set to switch B. When switch B failed, the LECs were pointed to switch A’s LECS (the second one in the list) by the CoreBuilder 7000 automatically.
How to Move the “admin” ELAN LES/BUS Pair from One
CoreBuilder 7000 to Another.
If you want to move the “admin” ELAN LES/BUS pair from one
CoreBuilder 7000 to another, perform the following steps:
1In the Backbone and Services Configuration window, change the “admin” alias mapping to a new
This changes the “admin” LES in all of the LECS databases in one step.
2Reset the CoreBuilder 7000 with the old “admin” LES.
This step releases all the connections (LECs) from the old “admin” LES/BUS pair.