3Com 4500 50-PORT, 4500 PWR 50-PORT, 4500 26-PORT Dot1x supp-proxy-check Syntax, 4500dot1x retry

Models: 4500 26-PORT 4500 PWR 26-PORT 4500 PWR 50-PORT 4500 50-PORT

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Related commands: display dot1x.


To configure the current device to transmit an authentication request frame to the user for no more than 9 times, enter the following:


System View: return to User View with Ctrl-Z

[4500]dot1x retry 9

dot1x supp-proxy-check Syntax

dot1x supp-proxy-check { logoff trap } [ interface interface-list] undo dot1x supp-proxy-check { logoff trap } [ interface interface-list]


Ethernet Port View


logoff: Cuts network connection to a user upon detecting the use of proxy.

trap: Sends a trap message upon detecting a user using proxy to access the Switch.

interface interface-list:Ethernet interface list including several Ethernet interfaces, expressed in the format interface-list= { interface-num[ to interface-num] } & < 1-10 >. interface-numspecifies a single Ethernet interface in the format interface-num= { interface-typeinterface-numinterface-name}, where interface-typespecifies the interface type, interface-numspecifies the interface number and interface-namespecifies the interface name. For the respective meanings and value ranges, see the parameters in the Port Command chapter.


Use the dot1x supp-proxy-checkcommand to configure the control method for 802.1x proxy users on the specified interface. Use the undo dot1x supp-proxy-checkcommand to cancel the control method set for 802.1x proxy users.

Note that when performing this function, the user logging on via proxy needs to run the 3Com 802.1x client program, (3Com 802.1x client program version V1.29 or above is needed).

This command is used to set a control method on the specified interface when executed in System View. The parameter interface-listcannot be input when the command is executed in Ethernet Port View and it takes effect only on the current interface. After globally enabling proxy user detection and control in System View, only if you enable this feature on a specific port can this configuration take effect on the port.

Related command: display dot1x.

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3Com 4500 50-PORT, 4500 PWR 50-PORT, 4500 PWR 26-PORT, 4500 26-PORT manual Dot1x supp-proxy-check Syntax, 4500dot1x retry