auto: The auto mode specifies that a user is allowed to use the password
command to set a password display mode.
Use the local-user password-display-mode command, you can configure the
password display mode of all the accessing user. Use the undo local-user
password-display-mode command to cancel password display mode that has
been set for all the accessing users.
The password display mode of all the accessing users defaults to auto.
Related commands: display local-user, password
To force all accessing users to display passwords in cipher text, enter the following:
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]local-user password-display-mode cipher-force
messenger Syntax
messenger time { enable limit interval | disable }
undo messenger time
ISP Domain View
limit: Remaining-online-time threshold in minutes, in the range of 1 to 60. When
the remaining online time of a user is equal to this threshold, the Switch begins to
send alert messages to the client.
interval: Sending interval of alert messages in minutes, in the range of 5 to 60
(must be a multiple of 5).
Use the messenger time enable command to enable messenger alert and
configure the related parameters.
Use the messenger time disable command to disable messenger alert.
Use the undo messenger time command to restore messenger alert to default
By default, the messenger alert is disabled on the Switch.
This function allows the clients to inform the online users about their remaining
online time through message alert dialog box.
The implementation of this function is as follows:
On the Switch, use the messenger time enable command to enable this
function and to configure the remaining-online-time threshold (the limit
argument) and the alert message interval.
If the threshold is reached, the Switch sends messages containing the user's
remaining online time to the client at the interval you configured.