Prot - LOCAL or RIP
NextHop - address of the gateway used to reach this route
Metric - number of router hops away this route is from the system
If - interface that the route uses
list ipx networks Displays the IPX networks that you previously defined using the add ipx network command. It lists:
Name - designation you assigned this network
Prot - protocol; always IPX
Int - interface each IPX network runs on
Network Address - network address of this IPX network
list ipx routes Displays the IPX routes that you previously defined using the add ipx route command, plus the defined IPX nodes. It lists:
Network Addr - network address of this route
Prot - protocol used to find this route: LOCAL, RIP, STATIC, NLSP, OTHER
NextHopNIC - network address of the next router (the next hop to the destination), or the MAC address for the local IPX nodes (on the LAN)
Gateway - address of the gateway to this network
Metric Ticks - number of hops through routers this network is distant from
list ipx services Displays IPX services. It lists:
Name - name of the IPX service
NetNum - network number that the service is on
Node - name of the IPX node running the service
Socket Type - socket number of the service
Prot - protocol used to find this service: SAP, LOCAL, NLSP, STATIC or
Metric - number of hops through routers to reach this service
list lan interfaces Displays the operational and administrative status (UP or DOWN), interface index number and name (eth:1) of all LAN interfaces. The output is the same as the list interfaces command, except only LAN interfaces are displayed.
list networks Displays all defined networks running any protocol. The command lists:
Name - designation of the network that you defined with add network
Prot - protocol of the network (IP or Bridging)
Int - interface the network is running on
State - ENABLED or DISABLED network