set ip https server 167
set ip https server Enables the HTTPS server on a wireless LAN switch. The HTTPS server is
required for Web Manager access to the switch.
CAUTION: If you disable the HTTPS server, Web Manager access to the
WX switch is also disabled.
Syntaxset ip https server {enable | disable}
enable — Enables the HTTPS server.
disable — Disables the HTTPS server.
Defaults — The HTTPS server is disabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History — The default is changed to disabled in 3.1. In addition, the
HTTPS server is no longer required for WebAAA.
Examples — The following command enables the HTTPS server on a WX
WX1200# set ip https server enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear ip telnet on page 131
display ip https on page 145
display ip telnet on page 148
set ip telnet on page 171
set ip telnet server on page 172
set ip route Adds a static route to the IP route table.
Syntaxset ip route {default | ip-addr mask |
ip-addr/mask-length} gateway metric
default — Default route. A WX switch uses the default route if an
explicit route is not available for the destination.
Default is an alias for IP address