clear snoop Deletes a snoop filter.
Syntax — clear snoop filter-name
filter-name — Name of the snoop filter.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.0.
Examples — The following command deletes snoop filter snoop1:
WX1200# clear snoop snoop1
See Also
set snoop on page 599
display snoop info on page 604
clear snoop map Removes a snoop filter from a MAP radio.
Syntaxclear snoop map filter-name dap dap-num radio {1 | 2}
filter-name — Name of the snoop filter.
dap dap-num — Number of a Distributed MAP to which to snoop filter
is mapped
radio 1 — Radio 1 of the MAP.
radio 2 — Radio 2 of the MAP. (This option does not apply to
single-radio models.)
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.0.
Examples — The following command removes snoop filter snoop2 from
radio 2 on Distributed MAP 3: