crypto generate key 473
crypto generate key Generates an RSA public-private encryp tion key pair that is required for a
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) or a self-signed certificate. For SSH, the
command generates an SSH authentication key.
Syntaxcrypto generate key {admin | eap | ssh | web}
{512 | 1024 | 2048}
admin — Generates an administrative key pair for authenticating the
WX switch to 3WXM or Web Manager.
eap — Generates an EAP key pair for authenticating the WX switch to
802.1X supplicants (clients).
ssh — Generates a key pair for authenticating the WX switch to
Secure Shell (SSH) clients.
web — Generates an administrative key pair for authenticating the WX
switch to WebAAA clients.
512 | 1024 | 2048Length of the key pair in bits.
The minimum key size for SSH is 1024.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Webaaa option renamed to
web in MSS Version 4.1.
Usage — You can overwrite a key by generating another key of the same
SSH requires an SSH authentication key, but you can allow MSS to
generate it automatically. The first time an SSH client attempts to access
the SSH server on a WX switch, the switch automatically generates a
1024-byte SSH key. If you want to use a 2048-byte key instead, use the
crypto generate key ssh 2048 command to generate one.
Examples — To generate an administrative key for use with 3WXM, type
the following command:
WX4400# crypto generate key admin 1024
key pair generated