display 629
A WX switch can have up to four boot profiles, numbered 0 through 3.
Only one boot profile can be active at a time. You can create, change,
and delete boot profiles. You also can activate another boot profile in
place of the currently active one.
Defaults — None.
Access — Boot prompt.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — To display the currently active boot profile, type the
following command at the boot prompt:
boot> display
BOOT Index: 0
DEVICE: boot1:
FILENAME: default
FLAGS: 00000000
OPTIONS: run=nos;boot=0
Table112 describes the fields in the display.
Table112 Output of display command
Field Description
BOOT Index Boot profile slot, which can be a number from 0 to 3.
BOOT TYPE Boot type:
c — Compact flash. Boots using nonvolatile storage or a
flash card.
n — Network. Boots using a TFTP server.