set rfdetect log 559
Examples — The following command configures MSS to ignore BSSID
aa:bb:cc:11:22:33 during RF scans:
WX1200# set rfdetect ignore aa:bb:cc:11:22:33
success: MAC aa:bb:cc:11:22:33 is now ignored.
See Also
clear rfdetect ignore on page 535
display rfdetect ignore on page 546
set rfdetect log Disables or reenables generation of log messages when rogues are
detected or when they disappear.
Syntax set rfdetect log {enable | disable}
enableEnables logging of rogues.
disableDisables logging of rogues.
Defaults — RF detection logging is enabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — This command is valid only on the seed switch of the Mobility
The log messages for rogues are generated only on the seed and appear
only in the seed’s log message buffer. Use the display log buffer
command to display the messages in the seed switch’s log message
Examples — The following command enables RF detection logging for
the Mobility Domain managed by this seed switch:
WX1200# set rfdetect log enable
success: rfdetect logging is enabled.
See Also
display log buffer on page 610