set length 53
set length Defines the number of lines of CLI output to display between paging
prompts. MSS displays the set number of lines and waits for you to press
any key to display another set, or type q to quit the display.
Syntaxset length number-of-lines
number-of-lines — Number of lines of text to display between
paging prompts. You can specify from 0 to 512. The 0 value disables
the paging prompt action entirely.
Defaults — MSS displays 24 lines by default.
Access — All.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — Use this command if the output of a CLI command is greater
than the number of lines allowed by default for a terminal type.
Examples — To set the number of lines displayed to 100, type the
following command:
WX4400# set length 100
success: screen length for this session set to 100
set license Installs an upgrade license, for managing more MAPs.
Syntaxset license license-key activation-key
license-key — License key, starting with WXL. You can enter the
key with or without the hyphens.
activation-key — Activation key, starting with WXA. You can enter
the key with or without the hyphens.
Defaults — The WX4400 can boot and manage 24 MAPs by default.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.