display dap global 315
Usage — Connections are shown only for the Distributed MAPs that are
configured on the WX switch from which you enter the command, and
only for the Mobility Domain the switch is in.
To show information only for Distributed MAPs that have active
connections, use the display dap connection command.
Examples — The following command displays configuration information
for all the Distributed MAPs configured on a WX switch:
WX4400# display dap global
Total number of entries: 8
DAP Serial Id WX IP Address Bias
--- ----------- --------------- ----
1 M9DE48B012F00 HIGH
- M9DE48B012F00 LOW
2 M9DE48B123400 LOW
- M9DE48B123400 HIGH
17 M9DE48B123600 HIGH
- M9DE48B123600 LOW
18 M9DE48B123700 LOW
- M9DE48B123700 HIGH
Table61 describes the fields in this display.
Table61 Output for display dap global
Field Description
DAP Connection ID you assigned to the Distributed MAP.
Note: DAP numbers are listed only for Distributed MAPs
configured on this WX switch. If the field contains a
hyphen ( -), the Distributed MAP configuration displayed in
the row of output is on another WX switch.
Serial Id Serial ID of the Distributed MAP.
WX IP Address System IP address of the WX switch on which the Distributed
MAP is configured. A separate row of output is displayed for
each WX switch on which the Distributed MAP is configured.
Bias Bias of the WX switch for the Distributed MAP: