set service-profile psk-phrase 381
Examples — The following command configures service profile sp2 to
use 40-bit WEP encryption:
WX4400# set service-profile sp2 cipher-wep40 enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
set service-profile cipher-ccmp on page377
set service-profile cipher-tkip on page378
set service-profile cipher-wep104 on page379
set service-profile wep key-index on page 390
set service-profile wpa-ie on page 391
set service-profile psk-phrase
Configures a passphrase for preshared key (PSK) authentication to use for
authenticating WPA clients, in a service profile. Radios use the PSK as a
pairwise master key (PMK) to derive unique pairwise session keys for
individual WPA clients.
Syntaxset service-profile name psk-phrase passphrase
name — Service profile name.
passphrase — An ASCII string from 8 to 63 characters long. The
string can contain blanks if you use quotation marks at the beginning
and end of the string.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — MSS converts the passphrase into a 256-bit binary number for
system use and a raw hexadecimal key to store in the WX switch's
configuration. Neither the binary number nor the passphrase itself is ever
displayed in the configuration.
To use PSK authentication, you must enable it and you also must enable
the WPAIE.