Examples — The following commands disable the radios that are using
radio profile rp6, remove service-profile svcprof6 from rp6, then clear
svcprof6 from the configuration.
WX4400# set radio-profile rp6 mode disable
WX4400# clear radio-profile rp6 service-profile svcprof6
success: change accepted.
WX4400# clear service-profile svcprof6
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear radio-profile on page 288
set radio-profile mode on page 362
display {ap | dap} config
Displays global and radio-specific settings for a MAP access point.
Syntax display ap config [port-list [radio {1 | 2}]]
Syntax display dap config [dap-num [radio {1 | 2}]]
port-list — List of ports connected to the MAP access point(s) for
which to display configuration settings.
dap-num — Number of a Distributed MAP for which to display
configuration settings.
radio 1Shows configuration information for radio 1.
radio 2Shows configuration information for radio 2. (This option
does not apply to single-radio models.)
Defaults — None.
Access — All.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — MSS lists information separately for each MAP access point.