CLI Conventions 25
A vertical bar (|) separates mutually exclusive options within a list of
possibilities. For example, you enter either enable or disable, not
both, in the following command:
set port {enable | disable} port-list
Text Entry
Conventions and
Allowed Characters
Unless otherwise indicated, the MSS CLI accepts standard ASCII
alphanumeric characters, except for tabs and spaces, and is
The CLI has specific notation requirements for MAC addresses, IP
addresses, and masks, and allows you to group usernames, MAC
addresses, virtual LAN (VLAN) names, and ports in a single command.
3Com recommends that you do not use the same name with different
capitalizations for VLANs or access control lists (ACLs). For example, do
not configure two separate VLANs with the names red and RED.
The CLI does not support the use of special characters including the
following in any named elements such as SSIDs and VLANs: ampersand
(&), angle brackets (< >), number sign (#), question mark (?), or quotation
marks (“”).
In addition, the CLI does not support the use of international characters
such as the accented É in DÉCOR.
MAC Address
MSS displays MAC addresses in hexadecimal numbers with a colon (:)
delimiter between bytes — for example, 00:01:02:1a:00:01. You can
enter MAC addresses with either hyphen (-) or colon (:) delimiters, but
colons are preferred.
For shortcuts:
You can exclude leading zeros when typing a MAC address. MSS
displays of MAC addresses include all leading zeros.
In some specified commands, you can use the single-asterisk (*)
wildcard character to represent from 1byte to 5 bytes of a MAC
address. (For more information, see “MAC Address Globs” on
page 27.)