set service-profile shared-key-auth
Enables shared-key authentication, in a service profile.
Use this command only if advised to do so by 3Com. This command does
not enable preshared key (PSK) authentication for Wi-Fi Protected Access
(WPA). To enable PSK encryption for WPA, use the
set service-profile auth-psk command.
Syntax set service-profile name shared-key-auth {enable |
name — Service profile name.
enableEnables shared-key authentication.
disableDisables shared-key authentication.
Defaults — Shared-key authentication is disabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command enables shared-key authentication
in service profile sp4:
WX4400# set service-profile sp4 shared-key-auth enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
display radio-profile on page 317
set radio-profile mode on page 362
set service-profile ssid-name
Configures the SSID name in a service profile.
Syntaxset service-profile name ssid-name ssid-name
name — Service profile name.
ssid-name — Name of up to 32 alphanumeric characters. You can
include blank spaces in the name, if you delimit the name with single
or double quotation marks. You must use the same type of quotation
mark (either single or double) on both ends of the string.
Defaults — The default SSID name is private.