boot 621
boot Loads and executes a system image file.
Syntaxboot [BT=type] [DEV=device] [FN=filename]
[HA=ip-addr] [FL=num] [OPT=option] [OPT+=option]
BT=typeBoot type:
c — Compact flash. Boots using nonvolatile storage or a flash
n — Network. Boots using a TFTP server.
DEV=device — Location of the system image file:
c: — Nonvolatile storage area containing boot partition 0
d: — Nonvolatile storage area containing boot partition 1
e: — Primary partition of the flash card in the flash card slot
f: — Secondary partition of the flash card in the flash card slot
boot0 — boot partition 0
boot1 — boot partition 1
FN=filenameSystem image filename.
HA=ip-addrHost address (IP address) of a TFTP server. This
parameter applies only when the boot type is n (network).
FL=numNumber representing the bit settings of boot flags to pass
to the booted system image. Use this parameter only if advised to do
so by 3Com.
OPT=optionString up to 128 bytes of boot options to pass to the
booted system image instead of the boot option(s) in the currently
active boot profile. The options temporarily replace the options in the
boot profile. Use this parameter only if advised to do so by 3Com.
OPT+=optionString up to 128 bytes of boot options to pass to the
booted system image in addition to the boot option(s) in the currently
active boot profile. The options are appended to the options already in
the boot profile. Use this parameter only if advised to do so by 3Com.
Defaults — The boot settings in the currently active boot profile are used
by default.
Access — Boot prompt.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.