set radio-profile long-retry 359
set radio-profile long-retry
Changes the long retry threshold for the MAP radios in a radio profile.
The long retry threshold specifies the number of times a radio can send a
long unicast frame without receiving an acknowledgment. A long unicast
frame is a frame that is equal to or longer than the Request-to-Send (RTS)
Syntaxset radio-profile name long-retry threshold
name — Radio profile name.
threshold — Number of times the radio can send the same long
unicast frame. You can enter a value from 1 through 15.
Defaults — The default long unicast retry threshold for MAP radios is 5
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You must disable all radios that are using a radio profile before
you can change parameters in the profile. Use the set radio-profile
mode command
Examples — The following command changes the long retry threshold
for radio profile rp1 to 8:
WX4400# set radio-profile rp1 long-retry 8
success: change accepted.
See Also
display radio-profile on page 317
set radio-profile mode on page 362
set radio-profile short-retry on page369