Usage — The WX system IP address must be set before you use this
Examples — The following command sets the WX system IP address as
the address of the RADIUS client:
WX4400# set radius client system-ip
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear radius client system-ip on page 487
set system idle-timeout on page 58
set radius proxy client
Adds a RADIUS proxy entry for a third-party AP. The proxy entry specifies
the IP address of the AP and the UDP ports on which the WX switch
listens for RADIUS traffic from the AP.
Syntaxset radius proxy client address ip-address
[acct-port acct-udp-port-number] [port udp-port-number] key
address ip-address — IP address of the third-party AP. Enter the
address in dotted decimal notation.
port udp-port-number — UDP port on which the WX switch listens
for RADIUS access-requests from the AP.
acct-port acct-udp-port-number — UDP port on which the WX
switch listens for RADIUS stop-accounting records from the AP.
key string — Password (shared secret key) the WX switch uses to
authenticate and encrypt RADIUS communication.
Defaults — The default UDP port number for access-requests is 1812.
The default UDP port number for stop-accounting records is 1813.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS 4.0.
Usage — AAA for third-party AP users has additional configuration
requirements. See the “Configuring AAA for Users of Third-Party APs”
section in the “Configuring AAA for Network Users” chapter of the
Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Configuration Guide.