display port counters 69
Examples — The following command clears port 5:
WX1200# clear port type 5
This may disrupt currently authenticated users.
Are you sure? (y/n) [n]y
success: change accepted.
See Also
set port type ap on page 91
set port type wired-auth on page 94
display port
Displays port statistics.
Syntaxdisplay port counters
[octets | packets | receive-errors | transmit-errors |
collisions | receive-etherstats |
transmit-etherstats] [port port-list]
octets — Shows octet statistics.
packets — Shows packet statistics.
receive-errors— Shows errors in received packets.
transmit-errors — Shows errors in transmitted packets.
collisions — Shows collision statistics.
receive-etherstats — Shows Ethernet statistics for received
transmit-etherstats — Shows Ethernet statistics for transmitted
port port-list — List of physical ports. If you do not specify a port
list, MSS shows statistics for all ports.
Defaults — None.
Access — All.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You can specify one statistic type with the command.