Examples — The following command enables the profile for automatic
Distributed MAP configuration:
WX4400# set dap auto mode enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
set dap auto on page 325
set dap auto radiotype on page 326
set {ap | dap} bias on page 328
set {ap | dap} blink on page 330
set {ap | dap} group on page 332
set {ap | dap} radio auto-tune max-power on page 335
set {ap | dap} radio auto-tune max- retransmissions on page 337
set {ap | dap} radio auto-tune min-client-rate on page 340
set {ap | dap} radio mode on page 341
set {ap | dap} radio radio-profile on page34 3
set {ap | dap} upgrade-firmware on page 346
set {ap | dap} bias Changes the bias for a MAP. Bias is the priority of one WX switch over
other WX switches for booting and configuring the MAP.
Syntax set {ap port-list | dap dap-num | auto} bias {high
| low}
ap port-list — List of ports on which to change the bias for directly
connected MAPs.
dap dap-num — Number of a Distributed MAP for which to change
the bias.
dap auto — Configures bias for the MAP configuration profile. (See
set dap auto on page 325.)
highHigh bias.
lowLow bias.
Defaults — The default bias is high.