RF Auto-Tuning of channels on 802.11a radios uses only the bottom
eight channels in the band (36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, and 64). To use a
higher channel number, you must disable RF Auto-Tuning of channels on
the radio profile the radio is in, and use the set {ap | dap} radio channel
command to statically configure the channel.
Examples — The following command disables dynamic channel tuning
for radios in the rp2 radio profile:
WX4400# set radio-profile rp2 auto-tune channel-config
success: change accepted.
See Also
set {ap | dap} radio channel on page 339
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-holddown on page 350
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-interval on page 351
set radio-profile auto-tune power-config on page353
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-holddown
Sets the minimum number of seconds a radio in a radio profile must
remain at its current channel assignment before RFAuto-Tuning can
change the channel. The channel holddown provides additional stability
to the network by preventing the radio from changing channels too
rapidly in response to spurious RF anomalies such as short-duration
channel interference.
Syntax set radio-profile name auto-tune channel-holddown
name — Radio profile name.
holddown — Minimum number of seconds a radio must remain on its
current channel setting before RFAuto-Tuning is allowed to change
the channel. You can specify from 0 to 65535 seconds.
Defaults — The default RFAuto-Tuning channel holddown is 900
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.