set security acl hit-sample-rate 467
Examples — The first command sets MSS to sample ACL hits every
15 seconds. The second and third commands display the results. The
results show that 916 packets matching security acl_153 were sent since
the ACL was mapped.
WX4400# set security acl hit-sample-rate 15
WX4400# display security acl info acl_153
ACL information for acl_153
set security acl ip acl_153 (hits #3 916)
1. permit IP source IP destination IP any enable-hits
WX4400# display security acl hits
ACL hit counters
Index Counter ACL-name
----- -------------------- -----------
1 0 acl_2
2 0 acl_175
3 916 acl_153
See Also
display security acl hits on page 451
display security acl info on page 452