mkdir 581
Examples — The following commands create a subdirectory called corp2 and display the root directory to verify the result:
WX4400# mkdir corp2
success: change accepted.
WX4400# dir
Filename Size Created
file:configuration 17 KB May 21 2004, 18:20:53
file:configuration.txt 379 bytes May 09 2004, 18:55:17
corp2/ 512 bytes May 21 2004, 19:22:09
corp_a/ 512 bytes May 21 2004, 19:15:48
file:dangcfg 13 KB May 16 2004, 18:30:44
dangdir/ 512 bytes May 16 2004, 17:23:44
old/ 512 bytes Sep 23 2003, 21:58:48
Total: 33 Kbytes used, 207822 Kbytes free
Filename Size Created
*boot0:bload 746 KB May 09 2004, 19:02:16
*boot0:WXA03002.Rel 8182 KB May 09 2004, 18:58:16
boot1:WXA03001.Rel 8197 KB May 21 2004, 18:01:02
Boot0: Total: 8928 Kbytes used, 3312 Kbytes free
Boot1: Total: 8197 Kbytes used, 4060 Kbytes free
temporary files:
Filename Size Created
Total: 0 bytes used, 93537 Kbytes free
See Also
dir on page 570
rmdir on page 584