set service-profile rsn-ie 383
Examples — The following command configures service profile sp3 to
use a raw PSK with PSK clients:
WX4400# set service-profile sp3 psk-raw c25d3fe4483e867
success: change accepted.
See Also
set mac-user attr on page 249
set service-profile auth-psk on page 375
set service-profile psk-phrase on page 381
set service-profile wpa-ie on page 391
set service-profile rsn-ie
Enables the Robust Security Network (RSN) Information Element (IE).
The RSN IE advertises the RSN authentication methods and cipher suites
supported by radios in the radio profile mapped to the service profile.
Syntaxset service-profile name rsn-ie {enable | disable}
name — Service profile name.
enableEnables the RSN IE.
disableDisables the RSN IE.
Defaults — The RSN IE is disabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command enables the RSN IE in service
profile sprsn:
WX4400# set service-profile sprsn rsn-ie enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
set service-profile cipher-ccmp on page377