The BIT places either a “0” or a
1” in the destination. A
indicates the bit is off. A
indicates the bit is on.
Specifying the bit number: When you specify the bit number, remember the following:
n The bit number is limited from 0 to 63. If you enter a negative number for the bit number,
the bit number defaults to 0. If you enter a number that is greater than 63, the bit number
defaults to the remainder of the number divided by 64.
The least significant bit is bit 0. The most significant bit is bit 63.
n Floating-point numbers are changed to a 64-bit integer before BIT is executed.
The BIT command can be used to determine information about the status byte or a memory
card inserted into the spectrum analyzer’s memory card reader. (See “HAVE” for more
information about determining information about the memory card.)
Programming Commands 5-79