NRL Normalized Reference Level
This function is a trace-offset function that enables you to offset the displayed trace without
introducing hardware-switching errors into the stimulus-response measurement. The input
attenuator and IF step gains are not affected when using NRL.
In absolute power mode
reference level affects the gain and RF attenuation settings of
the instrument, which affects the measurement or dynamic range. In normalized mode (relative
power or
mode), NRL offsets the trace data on-screen and does not affect the
instrument gain or attenuation settings. This allows the displayed normalized trace to be moved
without decreasing the measurement accuracy due to changes in gain or RF attenuation. If the
measurement range must be changed to bring trace data on-screen, then the range level should
be adjusted. Adjusting the range-level normalized mode has the same effect on the instrument
settings as does reference level in absolute power mode (normalize off).
Query Response
Programming Commands 5-385