OUTPUT Output to Remote Port or Parallel Port
Use OUTPUT to send data or instructions to an HP-IB device using the following output
Outputs in free-field ASCII format with no terminator.
Outputs in a free-field format with no terminator, but in a single
Outputs in free-field ASCII with a carriage return and line feed terminator.
Outputs in free-field ASCII with a line feed and an EOI terminator.
Outputs an ASCII number with the field width and decimal places specified. For
example, a number displayed as 13.3 has a field width of 13 and a decimal place
of three. If a ā€œCā€ follows the ASCII number, a carriage return and line feed will
terminate the output.
Because HP-IB allows only one controller on the HP-IB, OUTPUT must be synchronized with a
controller operation or else incorporated into user-defined functions that are executed with
softkeys when the spectrum analyzer is under manual control. If another controller is detected
on the HP-IB, the OUTPUT function is aborted.
Execute RELHPIB (RELEASE HP-IB) to discontinue spectrum analyzer control of HP-IB.
Programming Commands