SENTERT Segment Entry for Sweep Time Limit Lines
If the current limit line table contains lines based on frequency (as opposed to a
limit line based on the sweep time), executing SENTERT will clear the current
frequency limit line table.
The three segment types are FLAT, SLOPE, and POINT.
n FLAT draws a zero-slope line between the coordinate point of the current segment and the
coordinate point of the next segment, producing limit-line values equal in amplitude for all
sweep times between the two points. If the amplitude values of the two segments differ, the
limit-line will “step” to the value of the second segment.
n SLOPE draws a straight line between the coordinate point of the current segment and the
coordinate point of the next segment, producing limit-line values for all sweep times between
the two points.
POINT specifies a limit value for the coordinate point, and no other sweep time points, so
that a POINT segment specifies a limit value for a single sweep time. For an upper limit-line,
a POINT segment is indicated by a line drawn from the coordinate point, vertically off the
top of screen. For a lower limit-line, a POINT segment is indicated by a line drawn from the
coordinate point, vertically off the bottom of screen. The POINT segment type should be
used as the last segment in the limit-line table. However, if the last segment in the table is
not specified as the POINT segment type, an implicit point is automatically used. If a visible
POINT segment at the right-hand edge of the display is not desired, add an explicit last point
segment to the limit-line table that is higher in sweep time than the current sweep time of
the spectrum analyzer.
Segments are sorted as they are entered according to starting sweep time. A maximum of 20
segments can be defined using SENTERT.
5480 Programming Commands