PKRES Peak Result
PKRES is an array that contains 10 elements. Each element of the PKRES array contains the
x-axis coordinate of a signal peak, if a signal peak was found. If a signal peak was not found,
the PKRES element contains a 0. The order in which the signal peaks are placed in the PKRES
array depends on how the signal peaks were sorted (see “PKSORT” for more information).
You must do
following before using PKRES:
1. Set the trace data format to TDF A, TDF B, TDF I, or TDF M only. You cannot use the TDF P
trace data format before PKRES is queried.
2. Use PKSORT to select sorting the signal peaks by amplitude or by frequency.
3. Turn on the peak table with PKTBL.
4. Execute a take sweep (TS) to ensure that valid data is stored in PKRES.
Query Response
Querying PKRES returns the values of the 10 trace elements, with each value separated by a
comma. Querying one element of PKRES (for example,
returns the value of that
element, followed by the output termination.
Programming Commands