SP Span
The frequency span readout refers to the displayed frequency range. Dividing the readout by
10 yields the frequency span per division.
If resolution and video bandwidths are coupled to the span width, the bandwidths change with
the span width to provide a predetermined level of resolution and noise averaging. Likewise,
the sweep time changes to maintain a calibrated display, if coupled. All of these functions are
normally coupled, unless RB, VB, or ST have been executed.
Because span is affected by frequency, change the frequency before changing span (see
“HNLOCK”). For the HP 8592L and HP 85933, the span can be set to include band 0 and band
1 except in single-sweep mode.
Specifying 0 Hz enables zero-span mode, which configures the spectrum analyzer as a
fixed-tuned receiver.
Query Response
Programming Commands