LIMILINE Limit Lines
LIMILINE is used to query the current limit line. Executing LIMILINE returns an ASCII string
containing the commands needed to create the limit line.
commands (in the order given) to build a limit line:
1. Use LIMIDEL to clear the limit-line table.
2. Use
to select a limit line that is either based on frequency or sweep time.
3. Use LIMIREL to determine whether the values of the limit line are absolute values or
positioned relative to the reference-level and center-frequency settings.
4. Use LIMIMODE, LIMISEG, LIMISEGT, SENTER, SENTERT to enter the limit-line segments.
(Use LIMISEG or SENTER for a limit-line based on frequency; use LIMISEGT or SENTERT
for a limit-line based on sweep time.)
5. Use the LIMIDISP command to select if the limit line is displayed or not.
6. Use the LIMITEST command to turn on limit-line testing.
7. Use the LIMIFAIL command to determine if the measurement sweep passed or failed the
limit line boundaries.
Enabling limit-line testing: When limit testing is enabled, the segments in the current table
are interpolated into the limit-line traces according to the current span and center frequency or
sweep time of the spectrum analyzer. After the sweep, each value in trace A is compared to its
corresponding value in the limit-line traces. If the current limit-line table is empty (for instance
after using the command LIMIDEL) and limit testing is enabled, then the limit-line traces are
blanked and set to out-of-range values. By using the SUB, MKPK HI, and MKF? commands, you
can read the point of greatest difference between the trace and limit line. See “LIMITEST” for
more information about limit-line testing.
Saving the limit line table: Once you have built the limit line, you can save the limit-line
table on a memory card or in spectrum analyzer memory. Use the STOR or SAVRCLW
commands to store the current limit-line table on the memory card. Use SAVET or SAVRCLW to
store the limit-line table in spectrum analyzer memory.
Query Response
The query response is a character string consisting of LIMILINE, LIMIREL, LIMIMODE,
the number of for the current limit-line table. (The LIMIHALF command is for backward
compatibility; it is not used as an HP 8590 Series spectrum analyzer programming command.)
Programming Commands 5-277