LIMISEGT Enter Limit-Line Segment for Sweep Time
POINT specifies a limit value for the coordinate point, and no other sweep time points, so
that a POINT segment specifies an amplitude value for a single sweep time. For an upper
limit line, a POINT segment is indicated by a line drawn from the coordinate point, to a point
that is vertically off
top of the graticule area. For a lower limit line, a POINT segment
is indicated by a line drawn from the coordinate point, to a point that is vertically off the
the limit-line table. However, if the last segment in the table is not specified as the POINT
edge of the display is not desired, add an explicit last point segment to (higher in sweep time
Segments are sorted according to starting sweep time. A maximum of 20 segments can be
Use LIMISEGT if you want to enter amplitude data in the upper or lower limit lines. Use
LIMIMODE to specify entry into the upper limit-line table or the lower limit-line table (see line
30 of example). If you want to enter amplitude data as upper and lower amplitude pairs or as
mid and delta pairs, use the SENTERT command instead of LIMISEGT.
Programming Commands