Chapter 3 119
PSA Functional Tests
Second Harmonic Distortion (SHD)
PSA Functional Tests
Figure 3-7. Second Harmonic Distortion Test Setup
1. Configure the equipment as shown in Figure 3-7..
2. Press Preset (Factory Preset) on the spectrum analyzer and the synthesized sweeper.
3. Set up the spectrum analyzer by pressing:
Frequency, 40, MHz
Amplitude, –10, dBm
Span, 1 MHz
4. Set up the synthesized sweeper by pressing:
CW Frequency, 40, MHz
Level, –10, dBm
RF (On)
5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search.
6. Adjust the synthesized sweeper amplitude for a spectrum analyzer display of –10 dBm
±0.1 dBm.
7. On the analyzer, activate the marker delta function by pressing the Marker and Delta
8. Set the analyzer Center Frequency to 80 MHz.
9. Press BW/Avg, Average, and enter the number 20, using the numeric keypad. Then,
press Enter to begin the twenty sweep averaging routine and read the Marker Delta
value. Enter the displayed value under the Measured Second Harmonic Distortion
(dBc) heading in Table 3-7.