70 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
10514 Avg Mode changed to Repeat for Full Meas Type
Meas Type has been changed to Full. Exponential Average Mode is not
available for Full Meas Type therefore Average Mode has been changed to
10515 Avg Mode changed to Exp for Examine Meas Type
Meas Type has been changed to Examine. Repeat Average Mode is not
available for Examine Meas Type therefore Average Mode has been
changed to Exponential.
10516 Meas Type changed to Examine for Exp Avg Mode
Average Mode has been changed to Exponential. Full Meas Type is not
available for Exponential Average Mode therefore Meas Type has been
changed to Examine.
10517 Meas Type changed to Full for Repeat Avg Mode
Average Mode has been changed to Repeat. Examine Meas Type is not
available for Repeat Average Mode therefore Meas Type has been changed
to Full.
10524 to 10561: Phase Noise Error Messages (Option 226) An error number in this
range indicates the instrument has detected an error relating to the Phase Noise
10524 This measurement does not support the *.CSV file format.
You cannot load or save base instrument traces, as this is not supporte d by
the Log Plot measurement.
10525 Invalid format: CSV files are not supported by this
You cannot load or save base instrument traces, as this is not supporte d by
the Log Plot measurement.
10525 Use View/Trace menu when loading or saving logarithmic traces.
You cannot load CSV format trace files or save traces in t he CSV fo rmat i n
the Log Plot measurement of the Phase Noise Measurement Personality.
10526 Cannot display Ref Trace because it has no data.
Reference trace cannot be displayed, as there is currently no data assigned
to it - use the functions under the Store Ref Trace menu, or load a trace to
assign some data.
10527 Invalid Marker Trace. Marker moved to Raw Trace.
Cannot place markers on the reference trace, because the reference trace
is currently turned off or has no data.