42 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
108 Cal Oscillator Unlock
Report this error to the nearest Agilent Technologies sales or service office.
129 Meas Uncal
The measurement is uncalibrated, usually due to sweeping a narrow RBW
filter too quickly. Check the sweep time, span, and bandwi dth settings, or
press Auto Couple.
143 Final IF Overload
Either increase input attenuation or decrease the input signal level.
163 Freq Count: Reduce Span/RBW ratio
The span is too wide for the current resolution bandwidth. Either reduce
the span or increase the RBW.
187 Directory already exists
190 Unable to save file, invalid path
191 File Operation Status; directory <name> created
File Operation Status; <name> directory deleted
File Operation Status; <name> file copied
File Operation Status; <name> file deleted
File Operation Status; <name> file loaded
File Operation Status; <name> file saved
File Operation Status; Volume <name> formatted
196 Can’t Auto-Couple Sweep Time in Zero Span
197 Marker Freq Count HW Failure
201 Option not installed
The desired operation cannot be performed because a required option is
not installed. For example, pressing Source with no tracking generator
installed in the analyzer will generate this error.
202 No peak found
No signal peak was found that meets the criteria under Peak Search,
Search Param Criteria.
204 TG Frequency Limit
The tracking generator has reached the limit of its allowable frequency
205 Command not recognized
Indicates that the command sent from the remote interface was not
recognized. Check the programming guide for correct syntax.