60 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
10184 Cannot find the Power vs Time Limits File.
Cannot find the limit line definition file for the EDGE standards. This
message is displayed while the Measure key is grayed out.
10185 Gate option not installed. Results may not be accurate.
10186 Measurement does not support the current radio standard.
The measurement you have chosen is currently greyed out. Select a radio
standard which is supported or configure this measurement manually
(Mode Setup, Radio Std. None).
10186 EDGE EVM only supports EDGE TCH burst type (Burst Type)
10187 Radio standard is not supported by the current measurement.
The standard you have chosen is currently greyed out. Select a radio
standard which is supported by the current measurement or configure this
measurement manually (Mode Setup, Radio Std. None).
10187 EDGE ORFS only supports EDGE TCH burst type (Burst Type)
10188 EDGE PVT only supports EDGE TCH burst type (Burst Type)
10189 EDGE PVT only supports EDGE TCH burst type (Ref Burst)
10190 Select a valid Radio Standard/Measurement combination to
The Enable All Measurements menu key was pressed when it was
disabled. To enable select a radio standard that is supported by
the current measurement or a measurement that supports the
current radio standard.
10190 EDGE ORFS only supports EDGE TCH burst type (Ref Burst)
10191 Mask unavailable for current Span - increase to display mask.
The current span setting is either narrower than the mask width
or so wide that there are too few display points to allow the
mask to be drawn. Increase or decrease the span to display the
10191 EDGE EVM only supports EDGE TCH burst type (Ref Burst)
10192 Sweep Point/Span ratio below minimum - results may be
The sweep point to span ratio is below the minimum required to
ensure the bucket ratio is large enough to test DVB-T masks
10218 Hardkeys are disabled.
Some of the forms (for example Receiver Spurious in GSM) do not allow
you to close the form without either formally accepting or cancelling the
form settings. For this reason, all of the hardkeys ar e disabled until you
terminate the form.