Chapter 4 141
ESA Functional Tests
Marker Count Accuracy
ESA Functional Tests
Marker Count AccuracyProcedure
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset Type (Factory), Preset on the analyzer, then wait
for the preset routine to finish. Set the analyzer to measure the marker count accuracy
by pressing the following keys:
Frequency, 1.490, GHz
SPAN, 10, MHz
BW/Avg, Res BW, 100, kHz
Freq Count, Resolution, 1, Hz
2. Press Peak Search, then wait for a count to be taken (it may take several seconds).
3. Record the Cntr1 frequency as the Marker Frequency Readout in Table 4 -2.
Table4-2 Frequency Readout and Marker Count Accuracy Worksheet
Span Minimum Marker
10 MHz 1.48988 GHz 1.49012 GHz
100 kHz 1.4899988 GHz 1.4900012 GHz
Marker Count
Accuracy w/Counter
Resolution at 1 Hz
1.489999999 GHz 1.490000001 GHz