Chapter 1 63
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
10259 Table could not be saved.
This message occurs if the C: drive is full or corrupt. Check the amount of
space left on the drive.
10260 Table could not be loaded.
When trying to load a table, the previous table has been somehow
corrupted. Use the Save Table key to save a valid table. Then edit the valid
table, save it, and try to load it again.
10264 Emission bandwidth not found. Consider increasing span.
This error is normally generated when attempting occupied bandwidth
measurements. The “X dB” value you entered (Meas Setup, X dB) to
calculate the emission bandwidth is the difference between the highest
point on the trace and the point “X dB” down on either side of the
maximum. If the actual difference is less than the value entered, the
emission bandwidth cannot be comput ed. Some responses to this situation
are as follows:
1. Connect a signal to the input. (If there is no signal present, the
difference between the trace minimum and maximum will generally be
less than “X dB”.)
2. Increase the span. (If the signal is wide, the shoulders of the signal
might not be present on the screen, and again, the difference between
the trace minimum and maximum will be less than “X dB”.)
3. Center the signal. (There must be a point on the trace that is “X dB”
down from the maximum on both sides of that maximum.)
10286 Burst not found.
Either the signal being analyzed has insufficient power, the rising or
falling edges cannot be detected, or the burst is less than
126 microseconds.
10287 Valid Bluetooth burst not found. (Check Packet Type)
The burst that has been found does not correspond to the currently
selected Bluetooth packet type (the burst leng th m ay b e to o s h o rt ).
10288 Option B7D or AYX FADC hardware required. Meas unavailable.
The measurement you are attempting requires either the DSP and Fast
ADC (Option B7D) or the Fast ADC (Option AYX) card to perform the
demodulation, but neither are present in the analyzer.
10289 Opt 106 demod hardware required. Meas unavailable.
A demod measurement was attempted with no Bluetooth FM demod card
present (Option 106).