104 Chapter 3
PSA Functional Tests
Amplitude Accuracy at 50 MHz
PSA Functional Tests
7. On the spectrum analyzer, press:
BW/Avg, Average (On)
20, Enter
8. Perform the following steps for each row listed in Table3-1:
a. Set the synthesized sweeper amplitude to the value listed in the Nominal Source
Amplitude column in Table3-1.
b. Set the Attenuation and Span as listed in each row of the table.
c. Record the source amplitude, as measured by the power meter, in the Power Meter
Amplitude column of Table 3- 1.
d. On the spectrum analyzer, press Restart, Peak Search.
e. Wait for the spectrum analyzer to finish averaging.
f. Record the signal amplitude, as measured by the analyzer in the Measured
Amplitude column of Table 3- 1.
g. Calculate the signal amplitude accuracy error using the following equation, and
record the results under the Amplitude Accuracy Error column:
Amplitude Accuracy Error = Meas_amp − Power_m eter