90 Chapter 1
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Instrument Messages
Status LO Out Unlevel (LO Out Unleveled)
Indicates the output of the local oscillator (LO) has become unleveled. This
condition must be corrected to make valid measurements.
Status LO Unlevel (LO Unleveled)
Indicates the internal circuitry of the local oscillator (LO) has become
unleveled. This condition must be corrected to make valid measurements.
Status LO Unlock (Synth Unlocked)
Indicates the phase locked circuitry of the local oscillator (LO) has become
unlocked. This condition must be corrected to make valid measurements.
Status Log Corr Off (no corresponding status bit)
The log amplifier corrections have been turned off.
Status Marker Count:Widen Res BW
The ratio of the resolution bandwidth to span must be greater than 0.002
for the marker count function to work properly. Increase the resolut i on
bandwidth or decrease the span to continue the measurement.
Status Meas Uncal (Oversweep)
The measurement is uncalibrated, usually due to sweeping a narrow RBW
filter too quickly. Check the sweep time, span, and bandwi dth settings, or
press Auto Couple.
Status Measurement outside Internal Preamp range
The Internal Preamp is currently turned on, but the measurement is being
performed outside the range of the preamp.
Status Measurement partially outside Internal Preamp range
The Internal Preamp is currently turned on, and the measurement range
is being performed partly within and partly outside this range.
Recommendation is that the user turns preamp off to ensure consistent
results across the entire measurement.
Status Overload: Reduce Signal and press <ESC> (Input Overload
This message applies to the Agilent Technolo gies E4401B and E4411B only.
A signal has been applied to the input connector that caused the overload
protection circuitry to engage. The input signal must be reduced. After the
signal is reduced, press ESC to reset the overload detector so that you can
continue using the analyzer.
CAUTION Exposing the analyzer to high levels of input power over a prolonged period of
time can damage the internal circuitry.